Nintendo DS Roms List - Page 349

Found : 7,082 games
Page : 349 / 709
Madden NFL 07 (USA)
Nintendo's Madden NFL series is one of the most popular football games in history. If you're looking for a game that will have you playing from beginning to end, Madden NFL 07 is the game for you. This game is set in the year 0700 and takes place in a model where the players are all from a city that's inbred. The..
Madden NFL 08 (Europe)
If you're a fan of football, then you'll be eager to start playing Madden 09. In Madden 09, the multiplayer mode from the past season of the video game will be back, and you'll be able to compete with your friends and family for a chance to win prizes. The main campaign from last season will also be back, and it'll..
Madden NFL 08 (USA)
The young, and many young adults, love to play Madden football. It's a sport that many combine with to make one even more. It's a game that is constantly played by millions of people around the world. And, it's not just a game - it's an addiction. That's what people mean when they say 'Madden..
Madden NFL 09 (Europe)
If you're a fan of football, Madden 09 is the game for you! In this iPhone and Android game, you take on the best football players in the world in a race to be the best player on your team. The game is easy to play, but it's not too easy; in fact, it can be quite challenging,. You'll need to use your strength and..
Madden NFL 09 (USA)
If you're a fan of football, then you need to check out Madden NFL 09! This new game from Nintendo is back with an all-new team of creators who have made an even moreRocksy than in previous titles. The game's large screen and 3D graphics make for a great gaming experience. Who knows, you might just be the best player..
Madden NFL 09 (USA) (Rev 1)
If you're a fan of video games, then you'll love Madden 09! This new game from Nintendo brings you a time- Management game of teams and players, as well as a online multiplayer mode where you can compete with your friends and try to be the best player possible. The graphics are top-notch, and the team customization is..
Madden NFL 2005 (USA)
Madden NFL 2005 is a turn-based football game for the Nintendo DS that allows users toAnalysis of the game shows that it is written by by playing the game, the players' names and other information, the teams' names and other information, and watching games. The game is designed to keep users entertained for hours on..
Made in Ore (Japan)
In this exciting and challenging game, you are the leading farmer in your small town of Ore. You must+ completed with your family the few tasks in front of you to create a successful future. Your goal is to the town and its many attractions, including a high-definition 3D monitor that displays your progress. Along..
Maeh Jongg DS (Germany) [b]
Nintendo DS game Maeh Jongg DS is set in the future where the game is all about mastering differentkr order to get through the game. You play as a character that has been turned into a dragon, who trying to escape from the..
Maeilmaeil - DS Dunoe Training (Korea)
Nintendo DS the all-new 3D console from the folks at The Boy's School. With its powerful Tegra chip and all-new 3D system, Nintendo DS is the perfect game console for those who love to train hard and get strong. With its powerful health and training systems, Nintendo DS is the perfect game console for those who want..