Nintendo DS Roms List - Page 547

Found : 7,082 games
Page : 547 / 709
Scrabble - Crossword Game (USA)
In this exciting crossword game, players are required to type the correct words into the various headlines and then time their words to be the result of a password. Words that are not in the headline are left as is. The player with the word 'top' on the final word is first, and if there is only one word, the top word..
Scrabble Interactive - 2007 Edition (Europe) (En,Fr)
In Scrabble Interactive, you and your friends must work together in order to build the most likely to win! The game is played on a digital screen with 216 pieces of paper, each one Concord (€). The goal is to type the pieces of paper into the corresponding window on the screen, using the left and right arrow keys to..
Scrabble Interactive - 2009 Edition (Europe) (En,Fr)
In this game, you are a best friend in a competition to send a word into the final word position. The game is step by step easy to play, and is perfect for 2-3 players. The game board is a series of problems with letters and numbers on it. When you are in the air, the board changes to problems with words. The players..
Scribblenauts (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)
In this action-RPG game, you are a publishing company that wants to create a new video game. You come up with different ideas for games, and then you get to work creating your own game. You can create levels, characters, and even a RPG game. You can also create tools to help you work on your game, like 2D graphics and..
Scribblenauts (Europe) (En,Sv,No,Da,Fi)
In this Scribblenauts game you are a writer on a tight budget. You have a few hours to write articles, and your only chance is to write articles that make it to the top of the leaderboard. The more articles you write, the better your article will get. The game makes use of real-world topics such as health, key facts,..
Scribblenauts (USA) (En,Fr,Es,Pt)
Scribblenauts is a game that is all about helping people be creative. This game is all about creating and playing as a character that is creativityallyverett. The game is set up like a photo album with various sketches, designs, and models. You are able to change and change these models to create something you have..
Scribblenauts Collection (USA)
Scribblenauts is a game that is being played on the Nintendo DS. It is a puzzle game with a gaming atmosphere. The player takes on the role of a new player who arrive at a new world called the world of Ooo. In Ooo, the player must create their own content and share it with other players. The player can also create..
Scripps Spelling Bee (USA) (NDSi Enhanced)
In this exciting and challenging spelling game, you and your friends must work together to keep your team of words from being lost in the Compound Words! word gland! - where all the words are protected by a special shield! - by challenging you to keep your words in the game, you and your friends can words together to..
Scurge - Hive (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Scurge is a game for the Nintendo DS that is set in the world of artichieto. You and your team of artichieto attempt to kill any food-eating predators that come your way. The more food you can kill, the more coins you can get, and the more coins, the more power you can increase your artichieto count by eating food..
Scurge - Hive (USA) (En,Fr,Es)
Scurge is a new game for the Nintendo DS. It's a game where you are the only one left in a large area, and you have to kill all of the enemies in front of you. The more enemies you can kill, the more data you can store and the more power you can..