Nintendo DS Roms List - Page 634

Found : 7,082 games
Page : 634 / 709
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 5 Kyouka Pack (Japan)
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game from Nintendo DS. It is a puzzle game in which the player guides a tengu dog through a series of levels trying to Minoru, a powerful dragon, before he can escape. The playerNDS Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game from Nintendo's DS line-up. It's a puzzle game in which the..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Eigo (Japan) (Demo)
In this Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS demo, you and your friends are able to take part in a battle against the evil Goufmen. This game is a must-read for any Kemonotown..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Eigo (Japan) (TQJJ)
TQJJ is a new game from the Nintendo DS line. It's a tower game with a medieval theme. The player tries to cross the bridge over the river Izu by using their powers and skills from the history book to defeat the enemy's forces. What I like about the game is the unique story mode with its unique characters and..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Eigo (Japan) (YXAJ)
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game from Nintendo that is set in the world of video games. The player takes the role of a young man named Eiichiro Tsuminaka, as he tries to win the trust of the current king of Japan, who can only be reached through playing games. The game is a sidescrolling action game, with the..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Eisuukoku Pack (Japan)
In this Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS game, you are a young man named Tetsu who has to save his loved ones from a same-species extermination camp. The game is played on aolf of a digital screen in which you can control your player with the help of a Wii U console and an N64..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Kokugo (Japan)
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game for the Nintendo DS. It is a strategy game with deduction aspects. The player tries to build the best possible life around in a variety of location-specific puzzles. There is also a online mode in which the player can compete with friends for rewards. The game is designed toras..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Kokugo (Japan) (Rev 1)
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game from Nintendo. It’s a puzzle game with an intense battle atmosphere. You’re a powerful Japan-based god of agriculture, growth and animal husbandry who has come to power in a post-apocalyptic world. The game is set in a beautiful andantsun-hime world with stunning 3D..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Rika (Japan)
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game for the Nintendo DS. It is a Choose Your Own Adventure style story game. It is set in the future where people can choose to be a 'Good' or 'Bad' character. The game is up to you to see if you are a 'Good' or 'Bad' character. The game has a bit of a links between different parts..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Rika - Chuu 2 Rika - Chuu 3 Rika - Chuugaku Chiri (Japan)
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game for the Nintendo DS. It is a rice bowl game with elements of strategy. The player guide three new players through the game who will help you control your game and achieve your goals. The game is set in the near future where the rice bowl is a leading product of the world. You..
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS - Chuu 1 Suugaku (Japan) (TQKJ)
Tokuten Ryoku Gakushuu DS is a new game for the Nintendo DS. It is a puzzle game with a feudal Japan setting. The player chooses one of several protagonists, each with their own unique skills and strategies. The game is played online with a networked..