Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The (USA)

Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The (USA)
Nintendo 3DS ROM
2014 by Webfoot
flag USA
209.2 MB
『レゴンド・オブ・コーラ 新たなる時代の幕開け』(The Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, USA) is a Nintendo 3DS game developed by Platinum Games and published by Activision. The game is based on the popular Nickelodeon animated series The Legend of Korra. Players take on the role of Korra and her friends as they battle their way through a world filled with enemies and obstacles. The game features an original story, an extensive cast of characters, and a variety of levels and environments. Players can customize their characters with different outfits, weapons, and abilities, and can also use special moves to defeat their enemies. The game also features a variety of mini-games and puzzles, as well as a multiplayer mode. The Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins is a great way for fans of the show to experience the world of Korra in a whole new way.

Box cover image

  • Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The (USA) box cover front
  • Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The (USA) box cover back

Screenshot titles and playing

  • Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The (USA) screen shot title
  • Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The (USA) screen shot game playing

Related video of Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The (USA)

Walkthrough gameplay, Longplay tour and How to play

How to play Nintendo 3DS Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins, The emulation game on PC

Select plaform & downnload rom

1. Select Nintendo 3DS platform and search game version as you want then download it from RomsBase.

Download emulator & install

2. Download latest version of “Citra” from official website, then install on your PC.

Run emulator & load game to play

3. Run emulator Citra, load the rom and config joystick then click “play” and enjoy it!

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