Watashi no Cake-Ya-San - Happy Patissier Life (Japan)

Watashi no Cake-Ya-San - Happy Patissier Life (Japan)
Nintendo DS ROM
flag Japan
7.7 MB
In this action-RPG, you are a patissier who lives in the heart of fashion week, selling the best cake to come out this week. As a patissier, you must find the best cake from all of your friends to make the most money. It is a very demanding job, and you must be able to keep up with the best cake sellers in the city. Together, you and your friends must sell the best cake to make the most money, by using your unique skills and strategies. The game is easy to play, but you need to be careful not to get tired; in fact, you should probably even include some exercise while patisshing in order to keep your body energized. The game has a very French influence, and the graphics are quite beautiful. It is easy to see how you and your friends can make some serious money in this game.

Box cover image

  • Watashi no Cake-Ya-San - Happy Patissier Life (Japan) box cover front

Screenshot titles and playing

  • Watashi no Cake-Ya-San - Happy Patissier Life (Japan) screen shot game playing

How to play Nintendo DS Watashi no Cake-Ya-San - Happy Patissier Life emulation game on PC

Select plaform & downnload rom

1. Select Nintendo DS platform and search game version as you want then download it from RomsBase.

Download emulator & install

2. Download latest version of “NO$GBA” from official website, then install on your PC.

Run emulator & load game to play

3. Run emulator NO$GBA, load the rom and config joystick then click “play” and enjoy it!

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