Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 (USA)

Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 (USA) (not available)
Xbox 360 ROM
flag USA
5.4 GB
Xbox 360 fans rejoice! Microsoft’s newest console has finally received a game that is as good as the series’ predecessors. Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 is a story-driven, real-time strategy game that pits the Allied Forces against the Soviet Union in a never-ending war. The game features a vast, singleplayer campaign that can be completed in a matter of hours, and a multiplayer mode that lets you battle it out with up to four friends.

How to play Xbox 360 Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 emulation game on PC

Select plaform & downnload rom

1. Select Xbox 360 platform and search game version as you want then download it from RomsBase.

Download emulator & install

2. Download latest version of “Xenia” from official website, then install on your PC.

Run emulator & load game to play

3. Run emulator Xenia, load the rom and config joystick then click “play” and enjoy it!

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